One Desire, Many Paths: The Universal Quest for Happiness

One Desire, Many Paths: The Universal Quest for Happiness

Discover the surprising insight that, despite varied challenges, everyone fundamentally seeks a common experience. From business owners addressing stagnant profits to individuals navigating career transitions, the universal pursuit of this underlies diverse problems. Embracing this common thread unveils a transformative force that connects us, emphasizing our shared stories and the interconnected nature of our challenges.

Be a Good Neighbour

Be a Good Neighbour

Follow us on I initially wrote this after two deadly attacks right here in Canada. With all that’s happening worldwide, and especially south of our border, I thought this was still a timely piece. This is a day that will be burned into many people’s memories. ...
New Stuff …

New Stuff …

We get our news 24/7 on youtube, our business is accessible on Facebook pages (does anyone even visit websites any longer?). And the tools we use to deliver our services are mutating so fast we can watch the changes in real time.

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