Surviving 2020

Surviving 2020

The world has come to the unbearable realization that the way we’ve been making purchasing decisions (largest selection, lowest prices, let’s import rather than produce our own) for all things from bread to meat, to clothing, has created a real threat to our lifestyles. The gap in our traditional skills and our current ones has gotten so wide many of us are feeling lost.

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Brave New World

Brave New World

Are you stir-crazy yet? Have you spent the morning asking yourself if the danger is still as real and dangerous as it was 3 weeks ago? If you’re anything like me and the rest of the world I’ll venture to say “yes”. But don’t do it. #1 - You’ll be endangering yourself,...

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Welcome to the slippery slope …

Welcome to the slippery slope …

So, now we have no spectrum of common sense and human decency. We have dark and light, demonic and angelic, soiled and dirty or pristine and clean. If it has a smudge, it’s off to the soiled and dirty pile you go. A hug to comfort is immediately construed as gratuitous and groping

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Stop spinning Plates

Stop spinning Plates

2 Simple ways to create more time and less stress in your workday - Buzz, buzz, buzz … the sound in my head is driving me nuts! Part of the problem is my tinnitus. The other part is being the only plate-spinner in my business. How do I get everything that needs to get...

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