What Road are you on?

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How have you been? I’ve noticed that people are a bit wobbly in their emotional state, resolve, and focus. Or is that just me?

I’ve decided to cut a few “shoulds” out of my conversations with myself. We all know, deep down, what we “should” do. But unless that list was given to you by your doctor treating a life-threatening condition it may be okay to put the list aside for a bit. It’ll still be there when you feel ready to face it.

“But Vic, don’t I always need to be striving?” … Yes, that would be perfect! You also need to be recharging, reflecting and revising.

The Summer is the perfect time to do this. For me, anyway.

Here’s the thing, I don’t see this as a break in my inside work. This is the most important stuff I can do to take me to that fabulous goal! And this work lets me be certain that the goal defined is the right one for me today.

Do you know that we’re always evolving, growing and changing? Of course you do. But do you really understand how this impacts you and your business? I’m not sure anyone does to the full extent possible. Even the really big-name gurus. But let me give explaining my version a try.

During the year we are on task. As I like to say, “face down, bum up” getting through the work, the tasks, the actions that we’ve plotted out in our strategy to achieve said goals for the year. Summer gives us the opportunity to take a broader view of the whole thing. Let’s call it a 30,000-foot view. You can see the whole forest, the footpaths, roads, highways and roadblocks on your journey. Stepping away from the day-to-day activities offers you a breather. A way to catch up with where your actions are taking you and confirm that this is still the destination you’d like to end up at.

We’re all familiar with the statement “Without a plan, any road will do”. I’d like to add that the roadmap we followed last year may not be the best one to follow this year.

We’ve all been through so much since March 2020 that it would be a shame to not take the part that will benefit us to heart. Use the summer to see what you really do want. If it’s the same, good on ya, if not, now’s the time to plan a new journey.

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