Since the pandemic lock-down, I’ve noticed that I’m less sure of the best step forward. So, I’m working on creating this strategy that will shine a light on the path. I’ve been known to be a bit of a shiny object chaser by my close friends (you know who you are!), and I recognize that. I can assure you, being a coach does NOT mean you have your shit together 100% of the time.
But heck, the best way of getting yourself out of the hole, or even better, avoid falling into it, is by working with someone who’s been there themselves!
Are we creating damaged people because of the surge in self-help interest? The field is a “wild west” of the helping practices and the “big” names in the field are copying the MLM business model. That is – they get a following and get paid to teach the following how to be just like them.
Not addressing the reasons you keep failing is one of the biggest reasons people relapse into old and negative behaviour and continue to fail. They haven’t cut out the root of the problem.
Follow us onShare this postSelf examination, belly-button gazing, whatever the term you choose for it, it’s hard, and often painful. If you do this with sincerity, and intent to truly get to the heart of what matters to you, it’s going to reveal many dimensions...