Now I’m Mad …

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I’m proud of making the right decision. Right decisions should be clearly understood as being “right”. Shouldn’t they? Why would the right decision cloak itself with so much doubt, fear, and my brain screaming at me to double guess myself? If it was right.

If it was the right decision, why would I feel a bit afraid? Well, more than a bit.

What would you do? Would you face the masses who all said you were wrong? Would you stand defiant? It’s a hard thing to do. To go against the masses. I’m told that herd mentality or some call it “mob” mentality, will sweep up even the most honest. The most honourable. The kindest can become cruel. We revert to an unscripted version of Lord of the Flies. And we’re each Piggy.

So what was my momentous “right” decision you ask? So glad you did. I defied the experts and spoke up. You see, everyone tells you that when you’re self-employed you need to keep your beliefs to yourself. I agree that’s a fine idea if you’re … racist, misogynistic, homophobic, et al. But my decision rode on the belief that good people who stay quiet are no better than the previously mentioned group. So I’m calling it out BS when I see it. Calling out hatred, divisiveness.

Making the decision, coming to grips with “doing” it, was the hardest part. A bit like jumping onto a stage to do your first stand-up, or speech, or strip-tease, or karaoke. Our initial moment of exposing ourselves and our beliefs is nerve-rattling. We’ve been groomed to believe that it’s not polite to talk about politics or call out hypocrisy and lies. Be polite. When you’re a woman, this is imposed twice as hard.

Knowing that I’m doing all I can feels good. I am proud to set an example. I’m proud to pave the way for others to express their own truths. Let’s face it, when enough of us do what’s right instead of what’s easy or what everyone else is doing and saying, we’ll lift that cloudy veil off of the important decisions we need to make.

So hell yeah, I’m proud of making the right decision.

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