Can your mind create a new reality?

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What are you looking forward to?

Me, I’m getting excited about my upcoming trip! And a little bit nervous. After all, it’s been over a year since the pandemic was first even recognized for the big deal that it was. Getting on a series of different airplanes and flying for 20 hours to get to a distant country qualifies as a nail-biting event. Keeping a close eye on the changing mandates for safety alerts and changes in flight schedules is keeping me busy as well!

I’m also looking forward to seeing my family and friends who haven’t been in the same physical space as me for 13 years!

And for the food … omg, the food!!!

Although I’ve wanted this to happen for a long time now, I couldn’t figure out how to make it happen. Then I learned a bit more about changing my paradigm. And letting it go. Not obsessing about how to make stuff happen but putting my desires and imagination to work to create something I truly want.

What are you looking forward to? I’d love it if you would share this with me! Is it a goal that you are aiming for but haven’t shared with anyone yet (you know, in case you miss it)? Declare it. You don’t need to shout it from the rooftops, but you DO need to say it.

You have the power to bring your desires and imagination into reality.

I know, this sounds a bit woo-woo, but it’s a fact, Jack!

Go ahead, try it. Disclaimer … you actually have to want it. To know why you want it and to be able to envision it. How will your life change if you achieve your goal? Ask yourself these questions, release the “how can I make this happen” chit-chat your brain will dump into your vision – just leave that aside.

So, go ahead and have a wonderful day, let your imagination reveal your desires to you, and let whatever power you believe in (God? The Universe?) provide the “how to make it happen”.

Go for it, tell me what you’re striving for and say it out loud!

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