Can you see your future clearly?

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We’re halfway through July and I’m looking at my “to-do” list. The pressure is on to add more checkmarks to the items.But each small thing on the list has turned out to be a much bigger thing than I first thought. Am I a bad planner? Unrealistic? What????

Damn it, I know I’m good at what I do, at the services I offer. It seems, sometimes, every now and then, I’m not so good when it comes to working on my own stuff.

Can you relate? What part of the planning/execution phases is the part that trips you up?

Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m actually pretty good at this stuff – but it seems I need to start, tear it down, restart, tear it down … again! Before I end up with the final iteration of whatever I’m doing.

“All things are created twice, There’s a mental or first creation, and a physical or second creation to all things.

Take the construction of a home, for example. You create it in every detail before you ever hammer the first nail into place. . . .

Then you reduce it to blueprint and develop construction plans. . . .

You have to make sure that the blueprint, the first creation, is really what you want, that you’ve thought everything through. Then you put it into bricks and mortar. . . . You begin with the end in mind.

Through imagination, we can visualize the uncreated worlds of potential that lie within us.”

—from The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Stephen R. Covey

What’s your end game?

So maybe I simply need to do this, this way.

What have I been working on?

  • Defining my product, what do I offer, who needs it, why would they need it and what will change for them when they apply it. Yeah, that’s a lot to pack into one thing!
  • Setting out a plan to touch base with all my wonderful customers and friends for a real conversation. This may be via phone, FB, zoom or even in person over coffee. Not a sales call but you’d help me immensely by sharing. Of course, the conversation is totally voluntary and confidential. At the least, we can catch up and have a laugh.
  • Creating meaningful and useful relationships with people who see the world through a similar lens as I do that I can partner up with. You’ve probably noticed I’ve started to promote other programs and services through this newsletter! I’m not sure I’ll continue in exactly the way I have been, but definitely see the value in connecting with like-minded professionals, so that won’t stop.
  • Figuring out how I can refine my list of services to scale it down to strictly coaching! I love to see the success clients experience when they do the work we set out for them (each client has 100% control over what they take on and what they don’t. If you’re curious about how that works, let me know). I’ve been working with awesome partners to get them ready to fill my boots. This won’t happen immediately, but preparation takes time.
  • Getting my ducks in a row to fly to Serbia in a month – for a month! To say that I’m both excited and apprehensive about this is an understatement. By the way, I’ll be testing my teensy Chromebook laptop to see how she performs. If you have experience with computers, electronics, phone plans, etc in Europe and you’re living somewhere here in N.A., I’d love to pick your brain so I know my information is as complete as possible.

All of the things I’m doing on this list will help me get clarity (yes, I do see the irony of that statement, LOL), and also create a filter that I can use to assess future list items. Since the pandemic lock-down, I’ve noticed that I’m less sure of the best step forward. So, I’m working on creating this strategy that will shine a light on the path. I’ve been known to be a bit of a shiny object chaser by my close friends (you know who you are!), and I recognize that. I can assure you, being a coach does NOT mean you have your shit together 100% of the time.

But heck, the best way of getting yourself out of the hole, or even better, avoid falling into it, is by working with someone who’s been there themselves!

photo: St. Sava Orthodox Cathedral in Belgrade, Vicky Knee



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