Are you bendy?

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Are you bendy?

Did you watch Friends when it was on TV? I’m a late fan as I didn’t start watching until the show went to syndication, but enjoyed it when I finally jumped onto the Friends bandwagon. Phoebe was always my favourite. She was both street-smart and naive at the same time. Even though she could spot BS a mile away, still non-judgmental. A real friend.

Yes, I know it’s just a show but it’s also a great example of human nature and lets us see ourselves and laugh. After all, we’re not the ones being laughed at …right?

I was thinking about all of this and this scene came to mind. I’ll wait a couple of seconds so you can watch it 

Okay, how does all this impact your business and your life? Well, I’m so glad you asked!

Remember when you could make plans for 5, 10 years from now and have a pretty solid expectation that those plans would work out as long as you did what you needed to do? 

That’s not what happens today. Today, you can’t be rigid in your plans. That’s why it’s even more important to understand what your values and goals are. You see, those things don’t change. Well, not if you’ve worked out what they are for you. These are your North Star that will keep you on course, regardless of how much your ship gets tossed around, or what type of ship you’re even in. 

Being bendy helps you stay unbroken when things are shifting too quickly, or too often. I know I’ve “stuck” with some things in my past far too long and this had hurt my business and my finances. If I wasn’t so attached to the process I would have been able to see and assess my situation much quicker.

Being responsive, tuned into your deeper self, values and goals as well as managing your business is not an easy task. If you’re a new business owner, this can be challenging as you may not have the experience to recognize the signs. If you’re a seasoned business owner, this can be challenging because you will need to learn new ways of creating, communicating and, delivering your services or products. But also exciting as you get to create your own system, process, way of living. Imagine the possibilities!

But to do this, you will need to be able to sort through the chaff and the wheat when you look at your next steps. It’s amazing how much better bad ideas sound when they never get said out loud. Talking it through with someone else who can reflect back to you, ask you clarifying questions, and help you through the process makes this journey easier, quicker, and much more satisfying.

Now, here’s my shameless pitch … a coach can help you with all of this. I’m happy to have a call with you to see if we’re a good fit. No obligation, and completely confidential.  If you don’t call me, call someone who is trained and can help you, but stop beating yourself up trying to get this happening on your own.

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